People who do a lot of outdoor activities; a pair of shoes for their every activity is must. You must have different pair of shoes for walking, and for running. The walking needs different features in a shoe for comfortable walking than the shoes which are used for running. Similarly, the shoes collection for women is quite different from the shoes for men. The color, texture and even the material for the upper layer is quite different from the material used for the upper layer in men wear shoes.
Features of the walking shoes for women
- The most important feature of the walking shoe is the light weight of the shoes. The light weight of the shoes reduces the pressure on the feet to carry the weight of the shoes with every step it moves. Thus, minimizing the weight of the shoes gives the feeling to the walker as if he is walking bare foot.
- The next important feature of the walking shoe or for that instance feature of every shoe is the comfort it should provide to the feet. The shoes should have upper made up of material which should be water proof but comfortable and should provide breathing to the feet. The sole of the shoes should have rubber enclosed with synthetic sole. It provides better grip on the surface of the road and the rubber provides comfort to the ankle while walking. The water proof upper keeps the water and the moisture away from the feet. It provides the walker liberty to walk to any location whether rural or urban.
- The shoes should be designed in such a way as to provide breathing to the feet. It avoids the sweating in the feet and keeps the feet dry and fresh.
- The good shoes should make correct flexion angle between the feet and the walking surface. This angle gives relaxation to the ankle and finally you feel less tired and can walk long distances comfortably.
- With all these features the ladies will not buy shoes if they are not fashionable and color full. This could be one of the most important features of the women walking shoes. The ladies will pick up those shoes which have soothing colors and trendy designs. The good and comfortable shoes will not be picked up until they appeal to eyes also. You can get the best shoes and buy here.
Various types of shoes:
The women shoes come in various variants from slippers to formal and party wears to wedding. The most prevalent type of ladies footwear are as follows:
- Flat sandals: This pair of footwear suits best with the informal dresses. Ladies uses the flat sandals to go on in the summer for lunch with friend or enjoy the weekend on Saturday or Sunday. The comfortable ankle straps, flat sandals could not only be comfortable with your feet but also trendy in style too.
- Pumps: This is one of the best footwear which one can wear for the party and set a style statement. You can select pink color pumps with all black dress which will give you a deadly look. If you are wearing pants then a pink belt matching to your pumps will set your own style in the party.
- Sneakers: This pair of shoes comes under the category of comfortable footwear for ladies. You can wear the shoes in combination of cute little black dress. The bunny hairstyle makes a deadly combination and you can roam around leisurely in your own style; simple yet elegant. You can also wear high top with your pair of sneakers.
- Ballet flats: This is a unique combination of comfort and style. You can wear your pair of ballet flats with denim wear for the party and the ballet goes well with the formals too. All you have to do is to select your combination with the pair of footwear to make a ravishing style combination, of the sexy lady with style and elegance.
- Gladiators: The shoes are taken from the style of gladiators and give the lady a different style. This pair of shoes are worn with the minis and shorts give a new style. The shoes although covered from front give all open look of the legs making you a daring combination of daring and sexy lady.
- Kitten heals: These shoes are very feminine in nature, coming in various style and designs. These shoes when worn with a pair of stylish monochrome cocktail party wear make you stunningly beautiful.
- Slip–ones: This is one of the most comfortable pair of shoes, made to be worn on the beaches and the beach parties. They come in various beautiful but cool colors from dark navy blue to ocean blue and sky blue, matching with the color of the sea and the sky.
Men wear shoes
The men wear shows also come in different variants from walking shoes to slip-ons, and lace ups and many more to come. The most prevalent type of men wear are as follows:
- Slip-ons: These are the pair of shoes which are most comfortable pair of shoes, which can be worn anywhere and everywhere. These shoes are so light and comfortable that it seems as if you are walking without shoes. You can wear the shoes and go on for the beach party or put off the shoes, play beach volleyball and slip on the pair of shoes again.
- Lace ups: This pair of shoes go well with the formals and for the formal parties and for office wear. These shoes are not only comfortable but also stylish and can be worn with any pair of beach wears, formals and party wears.
Kid’s wear
The shoes for the kids are designed keeping in mind these little customers and their rich taste. They love to wear the shoes with are rich in color and funky designs. These shoes come in combination of bright colors and vivid texture, making them elegant and stylish. They are quite comfortable to wear. The kids would love to wear these pair of shoes.
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